L10 Synapses The types of synapses and related receptors, mechanisms, etc. Also discussed the mechanism of LTP/LTD. 2021-01-02 Academic Notebook > Animal Physiology #Animal Physiology
L9 Neurons Characteristics of several types of neurons in CNS and PNS. Also talk about the mechanism of action potential and related struectures. 2021-01-02 Academic Notebook > Animal Physiology #Animal Physiology
L8 Kidney Knowledge about kidney. The structure, extraction of urine and different mechanisms of urine formation. 2021-01-02 Academic Notebook > Animal Physiology #Animal Physiology
L99-2 Review-Final The review of the remaining section of this semester. 2020-12-30 Academic Notebook > Biopsychology #Biopsychology
L11 Autistic, Attention-deficit, Stress The autistic, stress disorder, attention-deficit, hyperactivity, their mechanisms and related diseases. 2020-12-29 Academic Notebook > Biopsychology #Biopsychology
L10 Learning and Memory Different types of learning and their mechanisms. Also discussed some diseases related to the learning process. 2020-12-27 Academic Notebook > Biopsychology #Biopsychology
L9 Part2 Reward The mechanism of reward, addiction and introduction to drugs that can lead to addiction and some treatment methods. 2020-12-26 Academic Notebook > Biopsychology #Biopsychology
L9 Part1 Injestive Behaviour The injestive behavior, including drinking, eating, obesity and their brain mechanisms 2020-12-26 Academic Notebook > Biopsychology #Biopsychology
科幻:从小说到电影 这是2020年在校学习期间修《科幻:从小说到电影》时所记的笔记。因为笔记量也只有一点点,因此把所有的笔记放置于一篇文档当中,以便查阅。 2020-12-22 Academic Notebook > 人文社科类 #科幻:从小说到电影