L08 protein quaternary structure and Protein-Protein interactions

Quaternary Structure


Functional protein often organized with multiple folded polypeptide chains (subunits)

  1. Multisubunit proteins
  2. Assembled via noncovalent forces

1. Two types of quaternary organization

  1. Homotypic – association between identical or nearly identical subunits

  2. Heterotypic – association between very different subunits

2. Interactions involved in protein‐protein interactions

  1. Salt bridges
  2. H‐bonding
  3. Van der Waals interactions
  4. Hydrophobic effects
  5. Disulfide boding

3. Numbers of subunits



Name Number of subunit
Dimer 2
Trimer 3
Tetramer 4
Hexamer 6
Octamer 8
Dodecamer 12

Large Molecular Machines

  1. Viral capsids (Viron) : 60*n
  2. Proteasome: >28 subunits
  3. Ribosome

Multisubunit Proteins

Homotypic protein-protein interaction

If the two interacting groups lie in entirely different regions of the subunit,we would call this interaction heterologous(异源的).



Helical Symmetry

Heterologous interactions must be specially oriented to give a truly linear complex. More often, the interaction is such that each unit is twisted through some angle with respect to the preceding one. This twisting gives rise to a helical structure.( Figure 6.38(a) )


  1. Actin Filament
    • F-actin
    • G-Actin
  2. Tobacco Mosaic Virus

Both linear and helical arrays are potentially capable of indefinite growth by addition of more subunits. Actin filaments can be thousands of units in length.

Point-group Symmetry 点群对称

The classes of point-group symmetry involve a defined number of subunits arranged about one or more axes of symmetry.

An n-fold axis of symmetry corresponds to rotation of each subunit by 360/n degrees with respect to its neighbor; thus, a 2-fold axis corresponds to 180° rotation. The simplest kinds of point-group symmetry are the cyclic symmetries , shown in Figure 6.38b–d. These rings of subunits involve heterologous interactions where
Cn n = 3 or greater.

1. Point-group 点群


2. Schoenflies notation 熊夫利记号


n 1 2 3 4 6
Cn C1 C2 C3 C4 C6
Cnv C1v=C1h C2v C3v C4v C6v
Cnh C1h C2h C3h C4h C6h
Dn D1=C2 D2 D3 D4 D6
Dnh D1h=C2v D2h D3h D4h D6h
Dnd D1d=C2h D2d D3d D4d D6d
S2n S2 S4 S6 S8 S12

3. Dyad axis

A special situation of great importance arises when two subunits are related to one another by a 2-fold axis (also called a dyad axis) to give C2 symmetry. That is, each subunit is rotated by 180° about this axis with respect to the other:

Note that in this case the 2-fold symmetry means that two identical interactions occur, symmetrically placed about the dyad axis. Such a symmetric interaction is called isologous(同构异素的), as opposed to the asymmetric heterologous interaction.

Protein Dimers

A protein homodimer is formed by two identical proteins.

A protein heterodimer is formed by two different proteins.

1. Homodimer


Dimers are the most common quaternary structures

The two monomers are usually related by the 2‐fold symmetry

Asymmetric Homodimer

Two subunits can associate in an way without symmetries


2. Heterodimer

Dimers are formed between two different monomers


Prediction of quaternary structure

Experimental methods

(low resolution)

  1. Measure mass of protein complex

  2. Measure size of protein complex

  3. Detect protein behaviors in designed conditions

Computational methods

(low accuracy)

  1. “Docking”

Methods to investigate protein‐protein interactions

Protein complex

  1. Transient
  2. Stable

Binding affinity

  1. Dissociation constant ($K_d$)
    Most biological functions are performed by protein complex

In chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology, a dissociation constant ($K_d$) is a specific type of equilibrium constant that measures the propensity of a larger object to separate (dissociate) reversibly into smaller components, as when a complex falls apart into its component molecules, or when a salt splits up into its component ions. The dissociation constant is the inverse of the association constant.

由于整个结合的过程是一个可逆反应,the rate of the binding reaction is proportional to the concentrations of the reactants.

In short, the smaller $K_d$ value the greater binding affinity.

High throughput 高通量

1. Yeast two‐hybrid 酵母菌双杂合系统

亦简称Two-hybrid screening,是一种研究蛋白质交互作用或蛋白质和DNA交互作用的实验技术。

Reporter gene

A reporter gene (often simply reporter) is a gene that researchers attach to a regulatory sequence of another gene of interest in bacteria, cell culture, animals or plants.

Certain genes are chosen as reporters because the characteristics they confer on organisms expressing them are easily identified and measured, or because they are selectable markers.


真核生物中存在一种上游激活序列(upstream activating sequence, UAS),其作用是和激活蛋白结合并大大增加启动子的转录速度,从而在转录水平对靶基因表达进行调控。真核细胞转录起始需要反式转录激活因子的参与。

很多真核生物的位点特异性转录激活因子是组件式的,通常具有两个可分割开的结构域,即DNA特异性结合结构域(DNA-binding domain, BD)与转录激活结构域(transcriptional activation domain, AD)。



在酵母双杂交系统中,“诱饵”蛋白X克隆至DNA-BD载体中,表达DNA-BD/X融合蛋白;待测试蛋白Y克隆至AD载体中,表达AD/Y融合蛋白。一旦X与Y蛋白间有相互作用,则DNA-BD和AD也随之被牵拉靠近,恢复行使功能。使得下游的reporter gene表达,检测到reporter gene的表达产物,则说明prey蛋白与bait蛋白有interactions.


Strengths and weakness

(1) Strengths
  1. Two-hybrid screens are low-tech; they can be carried out in any lab without sophisticated equipment.
  2. Two-hybrid screens can provide an important first hint for the identification of interaction partners.
  3. The assay is scalable, which makes it possible to screen for interactions among many proteins. Furthermore, it can be automated, and by using robots many proteins can be screened against thousands of potentially interacting proteins in a relatively short time. Two types of large screens are used: the library approach and the matrix approach.
  4. Yeast two-hybrid data can be of similar quality to data generated by the alternative approach of coaffinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (AP/MS).
(2) Weakness
  1. The main criticism applied to the yeast two-hybrid screen of protein–protein interactions are the possibility of a high number of false positive (and false negative) identifications.

2. Phage display 噬菌体展示技术

In this technique, a gene encoding a protein of interest is inserted into a phage coat protein gene, causing the phage to “display” the protein on its outside while containing the gene for the protein on its inside, resulting in a connection between genotype and phenotype.

These displaying phages can then be screened(筛) against other proteins, peptides or DNA sequences, in order to detect interaction between the displayed protein and those other molecules.

In this way, large libraries of proteins can be screened and amplified in a process called in vitro selection, which is analogous to natural selection.




3. Tandem affinity purification 串联亲和纯化,TAP


The goal is to extract from a cell only the protein of interest, in complex with any other proteins it interacted with. TAP uses two types of agarose(琼脂糖) beads that bind to the protein of interest and that can be separated from the cell lysate by centrifugation, without disturbing, denaturing or contaminating the involved complexes.


The original TAP method involves the fusion of the TAP tag to the C-terminus of the protein under study. The TAP tag consists of calmodulin binding peptide (CBP,钙调蛋白结合肽) from the N-terminal, followed by a TEV protease cleavage site and two Protein A domains, which bind tightly to IgG(Immunoglobulin G,免疫球蛋白G) (making a TAP tag a type of epitope tag).


Low throughput—Affinity‐based

1. Co‐immunoprecipitation 免疫共沉淀


当细胞在非变性条件下被裂解时,完整细胞内存在的许多蛋白质-蛋白质间的相互作用被保留了下来。当用预先固化在argarose beads上的蛋白质A的抗体免疫沉淀A蛋白,那么与A蛋白在体内结合的蛋白质B也能一起沉淀下来。再通过蛋白变性分离,对B蛋白进行检测,进而证明两者间的相互作用。


2. Pull‐down assays 拉下实验

拉下实验(Pull-down assay)该实验是一个行之有效的验证酵母双杂交系统的体外试验技术,近年来越来越受到广大学者的青睐。


Low throughput——Light‐based

1. Light scattering 光散射 – size/shape

2. Surface plasmon resonance 表面等离子共振‐ Kd

Low throughput——Heat‐based

1. Isothermal titration calorimetry 等温滴定热法‐ Kd

生物大分子可以和很多配体特异性结合,当物质结合时,热量要么产生,要么吸收。 生物大分子与配体相互作用的定量描述需要确定反应过程中热力学参数的变化。 相互作用过程中产生的热量变化可以用量热计定量监测。

等温滴定量热技术( Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, ITC)是一种监测由结合成分的添加而起始的任何化学反应的热力学技术,它已 经成为鉴定生物分子间相互作用的首选方法。 它通过高灵敏度、 高自动化的微量量热仪连续、 准确地监测和记录一个变化过程的量热曲线, 原位、 在线和无损伤地同时提供热力学和动力 学信息,如结合常数(Ka) 、结合位点数(n) ,结合焓(ΔH) 、熵(ΔS) 、恒压热容(ΔCp)和动力学数据(如酶促反应的 Km 和 kcat ) 。这些信息提供了生物分子相互作用的真实写照。

2. Microscale thermophoresis 微量热泳



L08 protein quaternary structure and Protein-Protein interactions