L10 Replication of DNA

一、Overview of DNA Replication

DNA replication goal ‐ make an exact copy of DNA

Must occur

  • Very quickly – millions to billons of bases in minutes to hours
  • Very accurately – few to no mutations (could be deleterious to daughter cells)
  • At appropriate time in the life of the cell

Proposed Models of DNA Replication

1. Conservative model 全保留复制模型

Both parental strands stay together after DNA replication


2. Dispersive model 分散模型

Parental and daughter DNA are interspersed in both strands following replication


3. Semiconservative model 半保留复制模型

The double-stranded DNA contains one parental and one daughter strand following replication


Meselson–Stahl experiment


The Characteristic of DNA Replication

DNA replication relies on the complementarity of DNA strands

  • The AT/GC rule (Chargaff’s rule)

The process can be summarized as such:

  • The two DNA strands come apart
  • Each serves as a template strand for the synthesis of new strands
  • The two newly-made strands = daughter strands
  • The two original ones = parental strands

二、DNA Replication in Molecular Level

1. DNA replication requires

  1. Coordination with cell division

  2. A special DNA sequence termed the Origin of Replication

    • Origin of Replication is site of synthesis initiation and point of control for whole process
  3. DNA polymerases - enzymes to synthesize actual DNA molecule

  4. Accessory enzymes (gyrases, helicases, ligases etc.)

2. DNA replication occurs in three stages

  1. Initiation
  2. Elongation
  3. Termination

3. Different Strand

Lagging Strand Discontinuous Replicate
Leading Strand Continuous Replicate

DNA replication: Initiation

1. Origins of Replication


Only one origin of replication in E. coli (but many in eukaryotes)

The origin of replication in E. coli is termed oriC

  • origin of Chromosomal replication



The characteristic of this replication is called θ replication

  • 因为复制的时候形成了类似θ的结构

2. Proof of Bidirectional Replication

Expose to pH 11.05 for 10 minutes AT-rich clusters denature to form denaturation bubbles


3. DNA Unwinding 解旋

  1. DnaA proteins bind to DnaA boxes and to each other. Additional proteins that cause the DNA to bend also bind (not shown).

    This causes the region to wrap(缠绕) around the DnaA proteins and separates theAT-rich region.

  2. DNA helicase(DNA 解旋酶) (DnaB protein) binds to the origin. DnaC protein (not shown) assists this process.

  3. DNA helicase separates the DNA in both directions, creating 2 replication forks.

The DNA helicase travels from 5’ to 3’ position in bacteria DNA, this is bidirectional replication.

DNA Helicase

They are motor proteins that move directionally along a nucleic acid phosphodiester backbone, separating two annealed nucleic acid strands (i.e., DNA, RNA, or RNA-DNA hybrid) using energy derived from ATP hvdrolysis.

(2) Structure And Moving Direction in Different Species
Eukaryote 3’ to 5’ 6 different subunit
Archaea 3’ to 5’ 6 same subunit
Bacteria 5’ to 3’ 6 same subunit

Single-Strand DNA Binding (SSB) Protein

Single-strand DNA-binding (SSB) protein keeps the unwound strands in an extended form for replication

(1) SSB protein

SSB are essential proteins found in all domains of life.

First, ssDNA is thermodynamically less stable than dsDNA, which leads to spontaneous formation of duplex secondary structures that impede genome maintenance processes.

Second, relative to dsDNA, ssDNA is hypersensitive to chemical and nucleolytic attacks that can cause damage to the genome.



(a) To unwind the template strands in E. coli, the DNA helix in front of the replication fork must spin at 3000 rpm.

(b) Without a swivel or axis of rotation, the unwinding process would produce positive supercoils in front of tlra replication fork.

DNA topoisomerases (Gyrase)


DNA replication: Elongation

Enzymes that catalyze the formation of the phosphodiester bond between nucleotides

Unidirectional 5’ to 3’

Requires a nucleotide primer with a free 3’-OH

Processive 一 do not repeatedly leave and come back to strand


1. Discontinuous and Continuous Synthesis


Relatively low-resolution techniques such as autoradiography and electron microscopy show that at the macromolecular level both nascent DNA chains are extended in the same overall direction at each replication fork.

High-resolution biochemical techniques such as pulse- labeling and density-gradient analysis show that replication of the lagging strand is discontinuous—short fragments are synthesized in the 5’— 3’ direction and subsequently joined by DNA ligase.


DNA pol: Need primer

RNA pol: Doesn’t need primer

2. Initiation of DNA Chains with RNA Primers

Primase creates a short RNA primer to which the DNA polymerase can then add more deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs)

DNA primase creates primers for both strands

  • One primer for strand being synthesized into the fork - leading strand
  • Multiple primers for strand being synthesized away from the fork - Lagging strand
  • Many short RNA-DNA molecules on lagging strand known as Okazaki fragments

3. DNA Polymerases

DNA Polymerases Ⅲ

DNA Polymerase III synthesizes the DNA using these primers on both leading and lagging strands.

But can not remove RNA primer from Okazaki fragments


Only the DNA pol III is the replicase

The others participate in repair of damaged DNA.

(1) Structure of DNA pol III in E.coli

DNA Polymerases Ⅰ

DNA polymerase I

  • Also has 5’ to 3’ exonuclease(核酸外切酶) activity
  • Primarily acts on only the lagging strand to remove RNA from Okazaki fragments
  • Uses 5’-3‘ polymerase activity to replace RNA with DNA

Eukaryotes Contain Several Different DNA Polymerases

Mammalian cells contain well over a dozen different DNA polymerases

Four: alpha (α), delta (δ), epsilon (ε) and gamma (γ) have the primary function of replicating DNA

  • α, δ and ε → Nuclear DNA

  • γ → Mitochondrial DNA


DNA pol α is the only polymerase to associate with primase

  • The DNA pol α/primase complex synthesizes a short RNA-DNA hybrid
  • This is used by DNA pol δ or ε for the processive elongation of the leading and lagging strands

The exchange of DNA pol α, δ and ε is called a polymerase switch

  • It occurs only after the RNA-DNA hybrid is made

4. DNA Ligase


5. Summary of Elongation


  • DNA helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds between the DNA strands.
  • Topoisomerase alleviates positive supercoiling.
  • Single-strand binding proteins keep the parental strands apart.
  • Primase synthesizes an RNA primer.
  • DNA polymerase III synthesizes a daughter strand of DNA.
  • DNA polymerase I excises the RNA primers and fills in with DNA (not shown).
  • DNA ligase covalently links the Okazaki fragments together

DNA Replication Complexes

DNA helicase and primase are physically bound to each other to form a complex called the primosome(引发体)


  • This complex leads the way at the replication fork

The primosome is physically associated with the DNA polymerase holoenzyme forming the replisome(复制体)

复制体(英语:Replisome)是参与DNA复制的蛋白质复合物(执行DNA复制功能的多种蛋白质复合体),其中至少含有DNA聚合酶及引发体(primosome,引发酶与其他分子的复合物)。以大肠杆菌为例,此类细菌的复合体包含两组DNA聚合酶III全酶(DNA polymerase III holoenzyme)、引发酶与螺旋酶。



Two DNA pol III proteins act in concert to replicate both the leading and lagging strands

  • The two proteins form a dimeric DNA polymerase that moves as a unit toward the replication fork

DNA replication: Termination

In E. coli, opposite to oriC is a pair of termination sequences called ter sequences. These are designated T1 and T2,

  • T1 stops counterclockwise forks, T2 stops clockwise

The protein tus (**t**ermination **u**tilization **s**ubstance) binds to these sequences

  • It can then stop the movement of the replication forks

DNA replication ends when oppositely advancing forks meet (usually at T1 or 72)

DNA replication often results in two intertwined(纠缠;编结) molecules

  • Intertwined circular molecules are termed catenanes(索烃)


  • These are separated by the action of topoisomerases(拓扑异构酶)

Proofreading 校正

Proofreading activity carry out by the 3’ -5’ exonuclease activities of DNA polymerase

DNA polymerase I of E. coli has build in 3’-5’ exonuclease activities

DNA polymerase III of E coli requires s subunit to carry out 3’-5’exonuclease activities

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Multiple Origins of Replication

Eukaryotes have long linear chromosomes

  • They therefore require multiple origins of replication, To ensure that the DNA can be replicated in a reasonable time.

Nucleosomes Assembly

Nucleosomes Assembly happens during DNA Replication


L10 Replication of DNA