L14 Pathogenicity and Infection

一、Overview of Pathogen


  1. primary (frank) pathogen 原生病原体 - causes disease by direct interaction with healthy host (e.g., HIV)

  2. opportunistic pathogen 机会性感染,伺机性感染 - may be part of normal flora and causes disease when it has gained access to other tissue sites or host is immunocompromised, (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa)

  3. animate 有生命的 (humans or animals)

  4. inanimate (water, soil, food)

The Chain of Infection

Chain of events for a successful infection

  1. agent identity
  2. virulence(毒力,病毒性) of agent
  3. dose of agent
  4. means of exposure to agent
  5. susceptibility of host to agent

Course of Infectious Disease

  1. incubation period 疾病潜伏期


  2. prodromal stage 前驱期

  3. period of illness 疾病时期

  4. convalescence 康复;恢复期

Infectious Dose


Infectious dose 50 ($ID_{50}$)

  • number of pathogens that will infect 50% of an experimental group of hosts in a specified time

Lethal dose 50 ($LD_{50}$)


Virulence Factors 毒力因子

Determined by characteristics of the pathogen

  • adherence and colonization
  • invasion


1. Microbial Adherence Mechanisms

  1. Fimbriae 菌毛
  2. Capsules
  3. Spikes

2. Pathogenicity Islands 致病岛、致病性基因岛

Major virulence factors on large segments on chromosomal or plasmid DNA

  • increase bacterial virulence
  • absent in nonpathogenic members
  • can be transferred to other bacteria



Penetration can be active or passive

active occurs through lytic substances which

  • attack the extracellular matrix and basement membranes
  • degrade carbohydrate-protein complexes between cells
  • disrupt host cell surface

passive (e.g., skin lesions 皮损 , insect bites, wounds)

  • involves production of specific products and/or
  • enzymes that promote spreading


1. Exotoxins

AB exotoxins
composed of two subunits

  • A subunit 一 responsible for toxic effect
  • B subunit 一 binds to specific target cell

Membrane-disrupting exotoxins




Stimulate -30% of T cells of the immune system

  • causes the T cells to overexpress and release cytokines

  • results in failure of multiple host organs allowing time for the microbe to disseminate

e.g., staphylococcal enterotoxin B
### 2. Endotoxins

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Gram-negative cell wall

  • endogenous (part) of the bacterium and released when organism lyses

  • toxic component is the lipid portion, lipid A



  1. Heat stable
  2. Toxic (nanogram amounts)
  3. Weakly immunogenic 弱免疫原性
  4. Generally similar, despite source
  5. Cause general system effects
    • fever, weakness, diarrhea, inflammation, intestinal hemorrhage, and fibrinolysis

3. Mycotoxins 霉菌毒素

Secondary metabolites of fungi

  • common contaminants of food crops

  • Aspergillus flavus produce carcinogenic aflatoxin


4. Biofilm

Biofilm growth

  • become less sensitive to antibiotics

  • increases virulence

  • make cells in biofilm more resistant to host defense


Resisting Host Defenses

Infection of immune system cells

Fuse with adjacent cells to prevent exposure to antimicrobial proteins in host

Capsules prevent phagocytosis

Mutations change antigenic sites or alter expression of antigens

Produce substances that resemble host tissue

Produce proteases that degrade host proteins

Special proteins that interfere with host defenses

Pathogen Transmission

Initial transmission of pathogen to host

  • evidence suggests correlation between mode of transmission and degree of virulence
    • direct contact → less virulent
    • vector-borne → highly virulent
    • greater ability to survive outside host → more virulent


Transmission of infectious diseases

  1. Direct
    1. Horizontal contact (Kissing, sex)
    2. Airborne droplets
    3. Vertical contact
    4. Vector
  2. Indirect (vehicles)
    1. Contact (fomites)
    2. Food, water, biological products
    3. Airborne

三、Clinical Microbiology and Immunology

Identification of Patient Specimen


1. Biosafety: Working with Specimens

Safety concerns

Standard Microbiological Practices have been established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Specimen should:

  • represent diseased area and other appropriate sites
  • be large enough for carrying out a variety of diagnostic tests
  • be collected in a manner that avoids contamination
  • be forwarded promptly to clinical lab
  • be obtained prior to administration of antimicrobial agents, if possible

2. Microbiology Risk Groups


3. Biosafety Levels (BSLs)


4. Identification Methods

Diagnostic procedures

direct identification methods

  1. growth and biochemical characteristics
  2. microscopy
  3. molecular methods
  4. bacteriophage typing
  5. immunologic tests

indirect identification methods

  1. serology 血清学

  2. immunofluorescence 免疫荧光



Rapid Methods of Identification

Manual biochemical systems

  • e.g., API 20 E system

Automated systems


Molecular Genetic Methods

Accurate, routine used

  1. comparison of proteins
  2. nucleic acid-based detection methods

Molecular methods widely use

  1. nucleic acid probes; DNA hybridization
  2. PCR and real time PCR
  3. ribotyping (16S rRNA analysis)
  4. multilocus sequence typing (MLST)
  5. genomic fingerprinting
  6. plasmid fingerprinting

Clinical Immunology

(1) Serotyping

Use of serum antibodies to detect and identify molecules

Can be used to differentiate serovars or serotypes of microbes that differ in antigenic composition of a structure or product

(2) Agglutination

visible clumps or aggregates of cells or particles

(3) Complement Fixation

Binding of complement to an antigen-antibody complex

Basis of diagnostic tests that determine if antibodies to an antigen are present in patient’s serum

Very sensitive, measure extremely small amounts of antibody


(4) Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

One of the most widely used serological tests

  • detect antigen and antibody


(5) Immunoblotting (Western Blotting)


  1. proteins separated by electrophoresis
  • transferred to membrane
  1. protein bands visualized withenzyme-tagged antibodies
(6) Immunoprecipitation 免疫沉淀法

Detects soluble Ag reacting with Ab

Binding of Ab to Ag forms lattice that precipitates

Lattice formation occurs only in optimal ratio of Ag to Ab

(7) Immunodiffusion 免疫扩散

Precipitation reaction that occurs in agar gel medium

Two commonly used techniques

  1. single radial immunodiffusion (RID) assay (antibody in agar, antigen diffuses)

    • quantitates antigen
  2. double diffusion agar assay

    • antibody and antigen both diffuse
    • identifies antigens


(8) Immunoelectrophoresis 免疫电泳


Antigens first separated by electrophoresis according to charge

Antigens visualized by precipitation reaction

Has greater resolution than immunodiffusion assays

(9) Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

Purified antigen labeled with radioisotope competes with unlabeled standard for antibody binding

Amount of radioactivity associated with antibody is measured



Science that evaluates occurrence, determinants, distribution, and control of health and disease in a defined human population


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC)

Worldwide counterpart is the World Health Organization (WHO) located in Geneva, Switzerland

Epidemiology Terminology 流行病学术语

  1. Sporadic disease 偶发病

    • occurs occasionally and at irregular intervals
  2. Endemic disease 地方性流行 Endemic (epidemiology)

    • maintains a relatively steady low-level frequency at a moderately regular interval
  3. Hyperendemic disease 高流行性疾病

    • gradually increase in occurrence frequency above endemic level but not to epidemic level
  4. Outbreak (疾病的)发作

    • sudden, unexpected occurrence of disease
    • usually focal or in a limited segment of population
  5. Epidemic 流行病

    • sudden increase in frequency above expected number
  6. Pandemic 瘟疫

    • increase in disease occurrence within large population over wide region (usually worldwide)

Measuring Infectious Frequency

Measure disease frequency at single time points and over time

Three important statistical measures of disease frequency

  1. morbidity rate
  2. prevalence rate
  3. mortality rate

Patterns of Infectious Disease in a Population

Two types of epidemics

  1. common source epidemic

    • single common contaminated source (food)
  2. propagated epidemic

    • one infected individual into a susceptible group, infection propagated to others

Herd Immunity

Resistance of a population to infection and to spread of an infectious organism because of the immunity of a large percentage of the population


Level can be altered by changes in pathogen

  1. antigenic drift (抗原(性)漂移) - smaller antigenic changes

  2. antigenic shift (抗原(性)转变) - major change in antigenic character of pathogen

Prevention and Control of Epidemics

Three types of control measures

  1. reduce or eliminate source or reservoir of infection
  2. break connection between source and susceptible individual
  3. reduce number of susceptible individuals

1. Vaccines and Immunization


2. Adjuvants

Are mixed with antigens in vaccines to enhance the rate and degree of immunization prolongs antigen interaction with immune cells and stimulates the immune response to the antigen


L14 Pathogenicity and Infection