L1 Structure and Organization of Nervous System

一、The Cellular Components of The Nervous System

1. Reticular Theory 网状理论

Reticular theory (Camillo Golgi): each nerve cell was connected to its neighbors by protoplasmic links, forming a continuous nerve cell network, or reticulum (Latin for “net”)


Because of the limited staining methods, the cells cannot be separated apart. Therefore they put the reticular theory.

2. Neuron Doctrine 神经元学说

Neuron doctrine (Santiago Ramón y Cajal & Charles Sherrington): nerve cells are discrete entities and they communicate with each other by means of specialized contacts-synapses.


Cells of the nervous system

  1. Nerve cells (neurons,神经元): specialized for electrical signaling over long distances.

  2. Glia cells (neuroglia, glia,神经胶(质)): supporting, rather than generating electrical signals.

    • More numerous than neurons–3:1.

1. Neurons

Axons Dendrite
Take information from neuronal soma Bring information to neuronal soma
Smooth surface Rough surface (dendritic spines)
Hundreds of micrometers to meters in length Usually very short
Can have myelin No myelin insulation

Neuron Morphologies


Neurons classified by function

Neurons can be classified into :

  1. Sensory neuron: Collect information and transmit information
  2. Interneuron
  3. Motor neuron

2. Glia 胶质细胞

maintaining the ionic milieu of nerve cells.

Modulating the rate of nerve signal propagation.

Modulating synaptic action by controlling the uptake and metabolism of neurotransmitters at or near the synaptic cleft.

Providing a scaffold(脚手架) for neural development.

Aiding or inhibiting recovery from nerve injury


Astrocyte 星形细胞

Location: central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)

Morphology: elaborate local processes; star-like (“astral”)


  • maintain an appropriate chemical environment for neuronal signaling; retain the characteristics of stem cells
  • secreting substances that influence the construction of new synaptic connections;
  • retaining the characteristics of stem cells

Oligodendrocyte 少突细胞

Location: central nervous system

Myelin(髓磷脂): laminated, lipid-rich wrapping around some axons

Peripheral nervous system: Schwann cells

  • Stem cell properties

Microglial cell 小胶质细胞


Derived primarily from hematopoietic precursor cells(造血前体细胞) (although some may be derived directly from neural precursor cells)

Sharing properties with macrophages:

  • Acting primarily as scavenger cells that remove cellular debris from sites of injury or normal cell turnover.
  • Secreting signal molecules that can modulate local inflammation and influence cell survival or death.

Glial Stem Cells

Property: retaining the capacity to proliferate and generate additional precursors or differentiated glia, and in some cases neurons.

Two categories:

  • A subset of astrocytes found primarily near the ventricles in a region called the subventricular zone (SVZ) or adjacent to ventricular zone blood vessels.
  • Oligodendrocyte precursors scattered throughout the white matter and sometimes referred to as polydendrocytes

Visualizing cells in nervous system

  1. Golgi staining: a limited number of cells at random in their entirety

    Golgi’s method stains a limited number of cells at random in their entirety. The mechanism by which this happens is still largely unknown.

  2. Fluorescent dyes and other soluble molecules

  3. Nissl staining 尼氏染色: nucleolus, ribosomes et al.

    The Nissl staining is a classic nucleic acid staining method traditionally used on nervous tissue sections. The active dye in the staining solution can vary, but toluidine blue or cresyl violet are common components. Nissl is also an outdated term for the ER.

    Principle: A basic dye (aniline, thionine, or cresyl violet) binds to negatively charged nucleic acids like RNA and DNA.

  4. Cytochrome oxidase staining 细胞色素氧化酶染色

    Cytochrome C oxidase (CO) has been shown to be an indicator of neuronal activity in the brain. In the primate visual cortex, CO staining also differentiates cell populations encoding visual properties such as color, contrast, ocularity, and movement.



二、Neural circuits 神经环路

Neurons never function in isolation.

Neural circuits are the foundation of sensation, perception, movement, and behavior.

Basic constituents:

  • Afferent(传入的) neurons: carrying information from the periphery(神经(末梢)周围) toward the brain or spinal cord

  • Efferent(传出的) neurons: carrying information away from the brain or spinal cord

  • Interneurons (local circuit neurons): participate only in the local aspects of a circuit

“Knee-Jerk“ Reflex


Organization of human nervous system

1. By function

  1. Sensory systems 感官系统: acquiring and processing information from the environment, e.g., the visual system or the auditory system.

  2. Motor systems 运动系统: responding to such information by generating movements and other behavior.

  3. Associational systems: mediating the most complex and least well characterized brain functions.

2. By anatomy

  1. Central nervous system (CNS): brain (cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, cerebellum, and brainstem) and spinal cord.

  2. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)




  • Nuclei: local accumulations of neurons that have roughly similar connections and functions (cerebrum, brainstem and spinal cord)

  • Cortex (plural, cortices): sheet-like arrays of nerve cells (cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum)

Axons: tracts


Somas: ganglia(神经节)

Axons: nerves

The motor system: Their somas are located in the CNS while the dendrites are located in the PNS

Survey of human neuroanatomy

1. Neuroanatomical terminology


  • Superior (above) - Inferior (below)
  • Anterior (in front of) - Posterior (behind)
  • Dorsal - Ventral
  • Rostral - Caudal


Planes of section


  • Coronal section
  • Sagittal section
  • Horizontal section

2. Basic subdivisions of central nervous system

Forebrain 前脑: diencephalon(间脑), cerebral hemispheres(大脑半球)

Hindbrain 后脑: brainstem(脑干), cerebellum(小脑)

Brainstem: medulla(髓质), pons(脑桥), midbrain(中脑)


三、Model Organisms in Neuroscience

Some Model Animals


Used model organisms:

  • Cat
  • Grasshopper
  • cockroach
  • roster
  • squid
  • chicken
  • frog
  • rat
  • monkey

Main model organisms (widely used):

  • mouse
  • zebrafish
  • C. elegans
  • Drosophila

Forward screening: From phenotype to genotype

Reverse screening: From genotype to phenotype

Gene numbers vs organismal complexity

Gene numbers do not have absolute relationship with complexity


The genome and the brain


Microcephaly: ASPM mutation


L1 Structure and Organization of Nervous System