L05 Non‐Mendelian Inheritance

Maternal Effect 母体效应

A maternal effect is a situation where the phenotype of an organism is determined not only by the environment it experiences and its genotype, but also by the environment and genotype of its mother.

  • Involve genes in the nucleus
  • Genotype of offspring does not directly govern phenotype as predicted by Mendel

Maternal effect refers to an inheritance pattern for certain nuclear genes in which the genotype(基因型) of the mother directly determines the phenotype(表型) of her offspring

Surprisingly, the genotypes of the father and offspring themselves do not affect the phenotype of the offspring

This phenomenon is due to the accumulation of gene products that the mother provides to her developing eggs

1. Example of Snail coiling inheritance pattern

  • Right‐handed (dextral) ,The dextral orientation is more common and dominant
  • Left‐handed (sinistral)

Maternal effect refers to an inheritance pattern for certain nuclear genes in which the genotype of the mother directly determines the phenotype of her offspring


This phenomenon is due to the accumulation of gene products that the mother provides to her developing eggs


2. Mechanism of maternal effect in snail coiling

The gene products are a reflection of the genotype of the mother
They are transported to the cytoplasm of the oocyte where they persist for a significant time after the egg has been fertilized
Thus influencing the early developmental stages of the embryo


Epigenetic(表观遗传学) inheritance

Epigenetic inheritance refers to a pattern in which a modification occurs to a nuclear gene or chromosome that alters gene expression

However, the expression is not permanently changed over the course of many generations. That is because the DNA sequence does not change

Epigenetic changes are caused by DNA and chromosomal modifications

These can occur during oogenesis, spermatogenesis or early embryonic development


1. DNA Methylation



Cytosine methylation occurs predominantly at CpG dinucleotides which are palindromic(胞嘧啶甲基化主要发生在回文的CpG二核苷酸上)



2. Dosage compensation (计量补偿(效应))

Dosage Compensation is the equalization of gene expression between the males and females of a species. Because sex chromosomes contain different numbers of genes, different species of organisms have developed different mechanisms to cope with this inequality.


  1. In 1949, Murray Barr and Ewart Bertram identified a highly condensed structure in the interphase nuclei of somatic cells in female cats but not in male cats.

    This structure became known as the Barr body(巴尔小体)——具有两个以上X染色体(或Z染色体)的细胞中,其中一条X或Z染色体去活化而成的紧密结构,如此会使该染色体上的基因不至于过度表现

  2. In 1960, Susumu Ohno proposed that the Barr body is a highly condensed X chromosome.

  3. In 1961, Mary Lyon proposed that dosage compensation in mammals occurs by the inactivation of a single X chromosome in females.


The purpose of dosage compensation is to offset(补偿) differences in the number of active sex chromosomes


X‐inactivation in Calico cats




Inactivation of a single X chromosome in early embryo :

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Potential mechanism of X chromosome inactivation

失活的X染色体(Xi)由其上的某个点开始往两头产生皱缩,直到染色体的末端,这个开始产生皱缩的点被称为“X失活中心”(英语:X inactivation center, Xic),X失活中心共含有12个基因,其中7个编码蛋白质,另外5个则编码Xist(X-inactive specific transcript,意为失活X染色体特定转录)和Tsix(Xist的反义序列)等长链非编码RNA


Tsix基因是Xist的反义序列,是Xist的负向调节因子(a sequence of DNA that represses the expression of certain genes),可与Xist结合后,使其被Dicer(人体内由DICER1基因编码,是一种在RNA干扰中扮演着重要角色的RNA酶,属于III型RNA酶(RNase III))降解。




Formation of Barr Body

  1. Initiation: Occurs during embryonic development. One of the X chromosome remains active and the other is targeted for inactivation.
  2. Spreading: Occurs during embryonic development. It begins at the XIC (X chromosomal controlling element) and progresses toward both ends until the entire chromosome is inactivated. The Xist gene (present within the XIC) encodes an RNA that coats the X chromosome and recruits proteins that promote its compaction into a Barr body.
  3. Maintenance: Occurs from embryonic development through adult life. The inactivated X chromosome is maintained as such during subsequent cell divisions.

3. Genomic/genetic imprinting 基因印记


Genomic imprinting (基因印记或遗传印记)is a phenomenon in which expression of a gene depends on whether it is inherited from the male or the female parent

Forms of genomic imprinting have been demonstrated in fungi, plants and animals( mammals, insects and flowering plants).

Imprinted genes follow a non‐Mendelian pattern of inheritance

  • Depending on how the genes are “marked”, the offspring expresses either the maternally‐inherited or the paternally-inherited allele

  • This is termed monoallelic expression (单等位基因表达)


Thus genomic imprinting is permanent in the somatic cells of an animal

  • However, the marking of alleles can be altered from generation to generation

Genomic imprinting occurs in several species including mammals, insects and flowering plants

It may involve:

  1. A single gene
  2. A part of a chromosome
  3. An entire chromosome
  4. Even all the chromosomes from one parent


(1)lgf2 gene

The Igf2 gene encodes a growth hormone called insulin‐like growth factor 2

  • A functional Igf2 gene is necessary for a normal size

Imprinting results in the expression of the paternal but not the maternal allele

  • The paternal (父亲的) allele is transcribed into RNA

  • The maternal (母亲的) allele is not transcribed

$Igf2^{-}$ is a loss‐of‐function allele that does not express a functional Igf2 protein

  • This may cause a mouse to be dwarf depending on whether it inherits the mutant allele from its father or from its mother


  1. Establishment of the imprint: In this example, imprinting occurs during gametogenesis in the Igf2 gene, which exists in the Igf2 allele from the male and the $Igf2^{-}$ allele from the female. This imprinting occurs so that only the paternal allele is expressed.
  2. Maintenance of the imprint: After fertilization, the imprint pattern is maintained throughout development. In this example, the maternal $Igf2^{-}$ allele will not be expressed in the somatic cells. Note that the offspring on the left is a female and the one on the right is a male; both are normal in size.
  3. Erasure and reestablishment: During gametogenesis, the imprint is erased. The female mouse produces eggs in which the gene is silenced. The male produces sperm in which the gene can be transcribed into mRNA.
(2)Human diseases that involve imprinted genes
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  2. Besides Imprinting does play a role in the inheritance of certain human diseases such as Prader‐Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS, 快乐木偶综合症, 又称天使综合征)

    PWS is characterized by

    • Reduced motor function

    • Obesity

    • Mental deficiencies

    AS is characterized by

    • Hyperactivity
    • Unusual seizures (癫痫,痉挛)
    • Repetitive symmetrical muscle movements
    • Mental deficiencies

    Most commonly, PWS and AS involve a small deletion in chromosome 15

    • If it is inherited from the mother, it leads to AS
    • If it is inherited from the father, it leads to PWS


Imprinting and DNA Methylation

Genomic imprinting must involve a marking process

At the molecular level, the imprinting of several genes is known to involve an imprinting control region (ICR; 印记控制区) located near the imprinted gene.

The ICR contains binding sites for one or more transcription factors that regulate the imprinted gene

A portion of the DNA in this region is called the differentially methylated domain (DMD; 差异性甲基化区域)

The DMD is methylated either in the oocyte or sperm —— Not both

DNA Methylation Functions

(1) Silencing

For most genes, methylation at a DMD results in inhibition of gene expression

Methylation could:

  • Enhance (提高,加强) the binding of proteins that inhibit transcription and/or Inhibit the binding of proteins that enhance transcription

Because of this, imprinting is usually described as a process that silences gene expression by preventing transcription

  • However, this is not always the case
(2) Enhancement

Consider two imprinted genes in humans, H19 and Igf2

  1. They lie close to each other on human chromosome 11

  2. Appear to be controlled by the same ICR


This ICR

  • Is ~ 52,000 bp

  • Contains binding sites for proteins that regulate the transcription of both genes

  • Is highly methylated on the paternally inherited chromosome but not on the maternally inherited chromosome

Extranuclear inheritance 核外遗传

  • Involves genes in organelles other than the nucleus
    • Mitochondria
    • Chloroplasts

L05 Non‐Mendelian Inheritance