L2 Pharmacology Orientated Human Anatomy Physiology

Anatomy is the study of the STRUCTURES of the body, and the relationship among structures.

  • This is the WHAT and WHERE of the body.
  • The word itself means “to cut up.”

Physiology is the study of how the body Functions.

  • The “how” is often on a chemical level

Anatomy and Physiology are closely integrated, both theoretically and practically

  • All specific functions are performed by specific structures.
  • What a structure can do depends on its specific form

一、Levels of Structural Organization

Chemical – atoms combined to form molecules

Cellular – cells are made of molecules

Tissue – consists of similar types of cells

Organ – made up of different types of tissues

Organ system – consists of different organs that work closely together

Organism – made up of the organ systems


Levels of Organization in the Body

Level Examples
Cells Erythrocytes, neurons, adipocytes
Tissues Epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous
Organs Examples include stomach, liver, heart
Organ Systems Examples include digestive and circulatory systems

1. Tissues in the Human Body

Name Function
Epithelial Covering or lining tissue
Connective Joins, stores and supports
Muscle Internal and external movement
Nerve Conducts electrical signals

2. Human Organ Systems

  1. Skeletal
  2. Muscular
  3. Circulatory
  4. Immune
  5. Respiratory
  6. Digestive
  7. Excretory
  8. Reproductive
  9. Nervous
  10. Endocrine
  11. Integumentary 皮肤系统

Human Respiratory System

Respiration is gas exchange between an organism and the environment

Respiratory structures include the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli

  • Mechanics of Breathing
    • Exhalation
    • Inhalation
  • Respiratory Diseases (Diseases due to dysfunctional respiratory system)
    • Respiratory failure
    • Asthma
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD,慢性阻塞性肺疾病)
    • Pneumonia(肺炎)
    • Lung cancer

Parts of the Respiratory System:

Part Function
Trachea 气管 Directs air into the lungs.
Bronchi 支气管 Passages through which air enters the lungs
Lungs Transfer oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the lungs
Bronchial tubes Tubes running from the trachea to the lungs
Alveoli Tiny air sacs in the lungs
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Excretory System

Functions of the Digestive and Excretory System:

  • Digestion
  • Waste Removal (solid)
  • Conversion of food energy to energy usable by the body
  • Absorption of nutrients

Mouth: food is chewed and swallowed, Enzymes are added to food in this process.

Peristasis: Process where food is moved through the digestive system by waves of rhythmic muscular contractions

The functions of different parts of the digestive system:

Part Substance Absorped
Small Intestine finish breaking down the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
(Most of the absorption of nutrients takes place in the small intestine)
Large intestine Vitamins, Minerals, and Water are absorbed
Liver Secretes chemicals that help digest fats in the small intestine. Stores glucose
Pancreas Secretes enzymes that break down carbohydrates and proteins in the small intestine

Human Excretory System

Excretion is the removal of metabolic wastes from the body, including toxic chemicals, excess water, carbon dioxide and salts


  • salt content
  • water content
  • blood pressure
  • acid-base balance

Excretory Organs

  • Skin: sweat
  • Lungs : carbon dioxide and water vapor
  • Kidneys: urine

Diseases due to dysfunctional Digestive and Excretory system

  • Diarrhea(腹泻)
  • Diabetes
  • Other metabolic diseases
  • Cancer
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 肠道炎症

Transport Systems - Cardiovascular system


The cardiovascular system is transport system of body

It comprises blood, heart and blood vessels.

The system supplies nutrients to and remove waste products from various tissue of body

Components of cardiovascular system:

  • blood
  • heart
  • blood vessels
(1) Blood

The Blood: Blood cells & Plasma

  • Plasma is fluid portion

Blood cells

  • Erythrocytes Red Blood Cells
  • Leucocytes
  • Thrombocytes 血小板
(2) Heart

Heart is a four chambered, hollow muscular organ approximately the size of your fist


  • Superior surface of diaphragm 横膈膜上表面
  • Left of the midline
  • Anterior to the vertebral column(脊柱), posterior to the sternum(胸骨)

Functions of the heart

  • Generating blood pressure
  • Routing blood: Heart separates pulmonary and systemic circulations
  • Ensuring one-way blood flow: Heart valves ensure one-way flow
  • Regulating blood supply: Changes in contraction rate and force match blood delivery to changing metabolic needs

The structure of heart:

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(3) Blood Vessels

Blood Vessels - A closed network of tubes

Arteries (Distributing channel)

  • Thick walled tubes
  • Elastic Fibers
  • Circular Smooth Muscle

Capillaries (microscopic vessels)

  • One cell thick
  • Serves the Respiratory System

Veins (draining channel)


The Organization of Blood vessels


Human lymphatic System


Nonspecific defense responses

  • Skin and mucous membranes
  • Inflammatory response
  • Temperature
  • Proteins
  • White blood cells

Specific immune responses

  • Humoral immunity
  • Cell-mediated immunity
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Diseases due to dysfunctional Circulatory system

  • Heart Failure/Arrythmia
  • Hypertension
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Other metabolic diseases
  • Infectious Vs. Autoimmune diseases

Urine System

Human Urinary System Diagram:



  • Filter blood about 10 times a day. (about 1 liter per hour)


  • Blood filtering units in the kidney
  • Each kidney has millions of them
  • They remove salts, water, and cell waste from the blood
  • 99% of the water removed by the nephrons is reclaimed by the capillaries.
  • Liquid waste is called urine

Diseases due to dysfunctional Urinary system

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney Failure
  • Kidney Stones
  • Hypertension

Endocrine System


The endocrine system consists of ductless glands that produce hormones

  • Hypothalamus, pituitary(垂体), pineal(松果体), thyroid(甲状腺), parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, ovary, testes

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the blood stream and affect activities throughout the body

  • Steroid hormones
  • Non-steroid hormones

Pituitary Gland:

  • Function: It secretes nine hormones that directly regulate many body functions and controls functions of other glands.
  • Disorders: To much growth hormones (GH) in early childhood can result in a condition called gigantism. To little GH can result in Pituitary Dwarfism(垂体性侏儒症).

Thyroid Gland

  • Function: plays a major role in regulation the body’s metabolism
  • Disorders: If the Thyroid Gland produces to much Thyroxin(甲状腺激素), it can cause a condition known as Hyperthyroidism(甲状腺功能亢进). If to little thyroxin produces it is called Hypothyroidism(甲状腺机能减退症)


  • Function: The Insulin and Glucagon in the Pancreas help to keep the level of glucose in the blood stable
  • Disorders: When the Pancreas fails to produce or properly use Insulin, it can cause a condition known as Diabetes Mellitus.

Adrenal Gland

  • Functions: The adrenal glands release Adrenaline in the body that helps prepare for and deal with stress.
    • Also regulates kidney function


  • Functions:
    • Pair of reproductive organs found in women that produce eggs.
    • Also secrete estrogen and progesterone, which control ovulation and menstruation.



  • Functions:
    • Pair of reproductive glands that produces sperm.
    • Also secrete Testosterone to give the body its masculine characteristics.

Interaction of Glands

  • The hypothalamus is located in the brain and controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland. It is an important link between the endocrine and nervous systems.

Diseases due to dysfunctional Hormonal system

  • Diabetes
  • Other Metabolic Diseases
  • Stress/Depression, etc

L2 Pharmacology Orientated Human Anatomy Physiology