L12 Innate Host Resistance
一、Host Resistance Overview
1. Pathogens
Pathogens are disease causing microbes
Must overcome surface barriers and reach underlying
overcome resistance by host
- nonspecific resistance
- specific immune response
2. Immune system
composed of widely distributed cells, tissues, and organs
recognizes foreign substances or microbes and acts to neutralize or destroy them
3. Immunity
ability of host to resist a particular disease or infection
4. Immunology
science concerned with immune responses
Hematopoiesis 造血作用
二、Physical and Mechanical Barrier Defenses of Innate Resistance
Physical Barriers in Nonspecific (Innate) Resistance
This is the first line of defense against microbe
1. Skin
Inhospitable(不宜居的) environment for microbes
attached organisms removed by shedding of outer skin cells
pH is slightly acidic
high NaCl concentration
subject to periodic drying (受制于周期性的干燥)
2. Mucous Membranes
Form protective covering that resists penetration and traps many microbes
- lysozyme 溶菌酶
hydrolyzes bond connecting sugars in peptidoglycan
- lactoferrin 乳铁蛋白
乳铁蛋白是人体免疫系统的组分之一,它具有抗菌活性(抗细菌剂,抗真菌剂),是先天防御的一部分,主要存在于粘膜中。乳铁蛋白保护婴儿使其免受细菌等病原侵害。 乳铁蛋白还相互DNA和RNA、 多糖和肝素之间相互作用 ,并在这些这些受体-配体复合物中表现出一定的生理功能。
sequesters iron from plasma
- lactoperoxidase 乳过氧化物酶
Lactoperoxidase is a peroxidase enzyme secreted from mammary, salivary, and other mucosal glands that functions as a natural antibacterial agent.
produces superoxide radicals (超氧自由基)
3. Respiratory System
Mucociliary blanket
mucous secretions trap microbes
once trapped, microbes transported away from the lungs
- expelled by coughing(咳嗽) or sneezing(喷嚏)
- salivation washes microbes to stomach
4. Gastrointestinal Tract 胃肠道
- Stomach: gastric acid (胃酸)
- Intestines
- pancreatic enzymes 胰酶 (消化酶(英语:Digestive enzymes)是将聚合的高分子降解为他们的构建单元的酶类,以促进他们被身体吸收。)
- bile: 胆汁, 由大多数脊椎动物的肝细胞分泌出的一种绿黄色、带有苦涩味的碱性液体。肝脏持续分泌出胆汁,存放于胆囊内,然后在进食时把胆汁经胆总管释放入小肠帮助消化。胆汁的主要作用是乳化脂质(其中不含酵素)。
- intestinal enzymes: 肠内酶
- shedding of columnar epithelial cells: 柱状上皮细胞脱落
- peristalsis: 蠕动
- secretory IgA: 免疫球蛋白
- normal microbiota: 正常微生物群
- Paneth cells :潘氏细胞(或称帕内特细胞,Paneth cell)是小肠内一种少见的细胞,提供宿主防卫微生物的侵犯。其功能的类似于中性粒细胞。在细菌或细菌抗原侵犯机体时,潘氏细胞分泌一些抗菌分子如防御素到小肠管腔的绒毛,以助于维持胃肠道屏障。
- produce lysozyme
5. Genitourinary Tract 泌尿生殖道
Unfavorable environment for foreign microbes
vagina(阴道) has lactobacilli(乳杆菌)
low pH of urine and vagina
urea(尿素) and other toxic metabolic end products in urine
Flushing with urine and mucus
Distance barrier of male urethra(男性尿道距离障碍)
6. The Eye
Mucus secreting epithelial membrane 粘液分泌上皮膜
Flushing action of tears
Lysozyme, lactoferrin, and secretory IgA in tears
三、 Chemical Mediators in Nonspecific (Innate) Resistance
Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) 抗微生物肽
Cationic peptides 阳离子肽,正电性肽
- highly conserved through evolution
- e.g., cathelicidin(抗菌肽), histatin(组氨素)
Bacteriocins 细菌素
Peptides produced by normal microbiota 微生物群
Lethal to related species
The Complement System 补体系统
Augments(增加) (or “complements”) the antibacterial activity of antibody
Composed of >30 serum(血清;免疫血清) proteins
Three major activities:
defending against bacterial infections
bridging(架桥) innate and adaptive immunity
disposing of wastes
1. Opsonization 条理(作用)
An opsonin (from the Greek opsōneîn, to prepare for eating) is any molecule that enhances phagocytosis by marking an antigen for an immune response or marking dead cells for recycling (i.e., causes the phagocyte to “relish” the marked cell).
Process in which microbes are coated by serum components(血清成分) (opsonins) in preparation for recognition/ingestion by phagocytic cells
Some complement proteins are opsonins(调理素)
2. Other Functions of Complement Proteins
Function as chemotactic signals(趋化现象的信号) that recruit phagocytes to their activation site
Puncture(穿刺) cell membranes causing cell lysis
Unite the nonspecific and specific arms of the immune system
3. Complement Activation
Produced in inactive forms
Activated following enzymatic cleavage
Three pathways of activation
- classical
- lectin 外源凝集素
- alternative
Alternative Complement Pathway
Dependent on interaction of complement with repetitive structures on pathogens
Begins with activation of C3
Results in formation of membrane attack complex
Cytokines 细胞因子
Soluble proteins or glycoproteins that are released by one cell population that act as intercellular mediators or signaling molecules
Three proposed groups based on function
regulators of innate resistance mechanisms
regulators of adaptive immunity
stimulators of hematopoiesis
(1) Interleukins 白细胞介素,白介素
released from one leukocyte(白细胞) and act on another leukocyte
(2) Chemokines 趋化因子
mediate chemoattraction (chemotaxis, 化学引诱) between cells
(3) Monokines 单核因子
released from mononuclear phagocytes
(4) Lymphokines 淋巴因子
released from T lymphocytes
(5) Interferons 干扰素
involved in antiviral responses
四、Cells, Tissues, and Organs of the Immune System
Cells of The Immune System
Mast Cells 肥大细胞
Bone marrow-derived cells 骨髓干细胞
Contain granules containing histamine and other pharmacologically(药理学的) active chemicals
Play important role in development of allergies(变态反应,过敏) and hypersensitivities(超敏(反应),过敏性)
特殊的状况下,发炎反应可能导致明显的组织伤害甚至死亡,这类免疫反应称为超敏反应hypersensitivity或allergy。 大部分的超敏反应是个体因无害性抗原或过敏原的刺激而产生IgE抗体所导致。
Granulocytes 粒细胞
Irregularly-shaped nuclei with two to five lobes
Cytoplasm has granules with reactive substances
- kill microbes, enhance inflammation
Three types
- basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils
1. Basophils 嗜碱性球、嗜碱性粒细胞
Stain bluish-black (蓝黑色) with basic dyes
Nonphagocytic 非吞噬
Release vasoactive mediators (血管活性介质)
- e.g., histamine (组织胺), prostaglandins (前列腺素), serotonin (5-羟色胺,血清紧张素,血清素), and leukotrienes (白三烯) from granules
Play important role in development of allergies(过敏症) and hypersensitivities(超敏(反应),过敏性)
白三烯(Leukotriene, LTs)是一类含三个共轭双键的20碳直链羟基酸的总称,是与过敏性反应有关的生物活性物质,其他与过敏性反应有关的生物活性物质包括组胺、缓激肽、血小板活化因子等。白三烯由于最早是在白细胞中发现故而得名。它们在体内的主要作用是引起气管平滑肌的收缩,同时也增加微血管通透性。白三烯的过多释放是引起哮喘和过敏性鼻炎的主要原因之一。白三烯拮抗剂(Leukotriene antagonist)可通过抑制白三烯的产生和活动达到治疗哮喘和过敏性鼻炎的效果。
2. Eosinophils 嗜酸性粒细胞
嗜酸性粒细胞(英语:Eosinophil granulocyte)是粒细胞中含有嗜酸性颗粒的一种,其他两种是中性粒细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞。
Stain red with acidic dyes
Defend against protozoan(原虫) and helminth parasites(蠕虫寄生虫)
Release cationic proteins and reactive oxygen metabolites
May play a role in allergic reactions
3. Neutrophils 中性粒细胞
Stain at neutral pH
Highly phagocytic
Circulate in blood then migrate(移动) to sites of tissue damage
Kill ingested microbes(摄入的微生物) with lytic enzymes and reactive oxygen metabolites contained in primary and secondary granules
Monocytes 单核细胞
Highly phagocytic cells
• Monocytes
are mononuclear phagocytic leukocytes
after circulating for ~8 hours, mature into macrophages
Macrophages 巨噬细胞
Highly phagocytic cells
• Macrophages
larger than monocytes, reside in specific tissues
named according to tissue in which they reside
have a variety of surface receptors (including pattern recognition receptors)
- bind pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
Dendritic Cells 树突状细胞、树状细胞
树突状细胞(英语:dendritic cell)是一种存在于哺乳动物的一种白血球。它存在于血液和暴露于环境中的组织中,如皮肤和鼻子、肺、胃和小肠的上皮组织。它们的作用是调节对当前环境刺激的先天和后天免疫反应。它的其中一个最重要的功能就是将抗原处理后展示给免疫系统的其他白细胞,故是一种抗原呈递细胞。
Heterogeneous group of cells with neuron-like appendages(肢)
- from lymphoid(淋巴的) and myeloid(骨髓的) lines
Present in small numbers in blood, skin, and mucous membranes of nose, lungs, and intestines
express pattern recognition receptors
antigen presentation
Lymphocytes 淋巴细胞
Major cells of the immune system
T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells
B and T lymphocytes differentiate in bone marrow from stem cells
memory cells
1. Natural Killer (NK) Cells 自然杀伤细胞
自然杀手细胞(英语:natural killer cell)是一种细胞质中具有大颗粒的细胞,也称NK细胞(NK cell)。由骨髓淋巴样干细胞发育而成,其分化、发育依赖于骨髓或胸腺微环境,主要分布于外周血和脾脏,在淋巴结和其他组织中也有少量存在。
Large non-phagocytic granular lymphocytes
important role in innate immunity
kill malignant cells and cells infected with pathogens by releasing granzymes (颗粒酶,cytotoxic enzymes)
Two ways of recognizing target cells
ADCC, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
recognizes cells that have lost their class I major histocompatibility(组织兼容性) (MHC-I) antigen
五、Organs and Tissues of the Immune System
Primary organs and tissues 主要器官和组织
- sites where lymphocytes mature and differentiate into antigen-sensitive mature B and T cells
Secondary organs and tissues 次生器官和组织
areas where lymphocytes may encounter and bind antigen
- followed by proliferation(增殖,分芽繁殖) and differentiation into fully mature effector cells
1. Anatomy of the lymphoid system
Skin Associated Lymphoid Tissue (SALT)
Contains specialized cells
Langerhans cell 朗氏细胞[见于皮肤和淋巴器官]
- dendritic cell that can phagocytose antigens
- presents antigen to and activates T cells
intraepidermal lymphocyte 表皮内的淋巴细胞
Mucosal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT)
Specialized immune barrier
gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)
六、 Phagocytosis
Process by which phagocytic cells (monocytes, tissue macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils) recognize, ingest, and kill extracellular microbes
Two mechanisms for recognition of microbe by phagocyte
opsonin-dependent (opsonic) recognition
opsonin-independent (nonopsonic) recognition
Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs)
conserved microbial molecular structures
PAMPs are unique to microbes, not present in host
e.g., LPS of Gram-negative bacteria
e.g., peptidoglycan of Gram-positive bacteria
PAMPs recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on/in phagocytic cells
1. TLR
The Process of Phagocytosis
七、 Inflammation
1. Nonspecific response to tissue injury
can be caused by pathogen or physical trauma (外伤;创伤)
acute and chronic inflammation
2. Cardinal signs
- redness
- warmth
- pain
- swelling
- altered function
Acute Inflammatory Response
A cascade of events
Involves chemical mediators:
(1) selectins 选择素
cell adhesion molecules on activated capillary endothelial cells
(2) integrins 集成素、整合素
adhesion receptors on neutrophils
集成素(英语:Integrin,又译为整联蛋白)是一种介导细胞和其外环境(如细胞外基质,ECM)之间的连接的跨膜受体。在信号转导中,集成素将ECM的化学成分与力学状态等有关信息传入细胞。 因此,集成素除了穿过膜的机械作用,也参与了细胞消息、细胞周期之调节、细胞型态以及细胞的运动。
(3) chemotaxins 化学毒素、趋化因子类
chemotactic factors released by injured cells
(4) margination 着边
(5) diapedesis 血细胞渗出
Chronic Inflammation
Slow process
Involves formation of new connective tissue
Usually causes permanent tissue damage
Dense infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages at site of inflammation
- granuloma 肉芽肿,肉芽瘤
- formed when phagocytic cells can’t destroy pathogen