L07 Microbial Growth Control

一、Principles of microbial control


Definition of Frequently Used Terms

1. Sterilization 杀菌

destruction or removal of all viable organisms

2. Disinfection 消毒

killing, inhibition, or removal of disease causing (pathogenic) organisms (not bacterial endospore)


  • usually chemical

  • usually used on inanimate (无生命的) objects

3. Sanitization 清洁

reduction of microbial population to levels deemed safe (based on public health standards)

4. Antisepsis 抗菌

prevention of infection of living tissue by microorganisms


  • chemical agents that kill or inhibit growth of microorganisms when applied to tissue

5. Comparisons of The Four Method


Antimicrobial Agents

1. Chemotherapy

use of chemicals to kill or inhibit growth of microorganisms within host tissue

Agents that kill microorganisms or inhibit their growth

  • cidal agents(杀菌剂) kill (bactericides)

  • static agents(抗菌剂) inhibit growth (bacteriostatic)

The Pattern of Microbial Death

Microorganisms are not killed instantly

Population death usually occurs exponentially (指数的,幂数的)

Measure of agent’s killing efficiency: decimal reduction time (D Value) – time to kill 90%


Conditions Influencing the Effectiveness of Antimicrobial Agent Activity

  1. Population size

    • larger populations take longer to kill than smaller populations
  2. Population composition

    • microorganisms differ markedly in their sensitivity to antimicrobial agents
  3. Concentration or intensity of an antimicrobial agent

    • usually higher concentrations kill more rapidly
  4. Duration of exposure

    • longer exposure → more organisms killed
  5. Temperature

    • higher temperatures usually increase killing
  6. Local environment

    • pH, viscosity, concentration of organic matter, etc. can profoundly impact effectiveness
    • organisms in biofilms are less susceptible to many antimicrobial agents

二、Mechanical removal methods

Filtering Liquids

Membrane filters

  • porous(能渗透的;有气孔的;多孔渗水的) membranes with defined pore sizes


Filtering Air

Surgical masks

Cotton plugs on culture vessels

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters

  • used in laminar(薄片状的) flow biological safety cabinets

三、Physical Control Methods


1. Moist Heat 湿热

Destroys viruses, fungi, and bacteria

Boiling will not destroy spores and does not sterilize

Degrades nucleic acids, denatures proteins, and disrupts membranes


2. Steam Sterilization 蒸汽灭菌

Carried out above 100°C which requires saturated steam under pressure

Uses an autoclave (高压蒸气灭菌器)

Effective against all types of microorganisms (including endospores!)


3. Pasteurization 加热杀菌(法);巴斯德氏杀菌法

Controlled heating at temperatures well below boiling

Process does not sterilize but does kill pathogens present and slow spoilage by reducing the total load of organisms present


4. Dry Heat Sterilization 干热灭菌

Less effective than moist heat sterilization, requiring higher temperatures and longer exposure times

  • items subjected to 160–170°C for 2 to 3 hours

Oxidizes cell constituents and denatures proteins

5. Dry Heat Incineration 干热焚烧

Bench top incinerators are used to sterilize inoculating loops used in microbiology laboratories



1. Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation

  • mutations — death

  • causes formation of thymine dimers in DNA

  • requires direct exposure on microbial surface

Wavelength of 260 is most bactericidal (DNA absorbs)

Causes thymine dimers preventing replication and transcription

UV limited to surface sterilization because it does not penetrate glass, dirt films, water, and other substances

2. Ionizing Radiation 电离辐射

  • x-rays and gamma rays

  • mutations — death (sterilization)

  • disrupts chemical structure of many molecules, including DNA and proteins

Gamma radiation penetrates deep into objects

Destroys bacterial endospores

Used for sterilization and pasteurization of antibiotics, hormones, plastic disposable supplies, and food


3. Visible Light

at high intensities generates singlet oxygen($^{1}O_{2}$)

  • powerful oxidizing agent

    carotenoid (类胡萝卜素) pigments

  • protect many light-exposed microorganisms from photooxidation (光氧化(作用))

四、Chemical Agents

Aldehydes 醛类


Commonly used agents are formaldehyde(甲醛) and glutaraldehyde(戊二醛)

Highly reactive molecules

Sporicidal(杀孢子的) and can be used as chemical sterilants

Combine with and inactivate nucleic acids and proteins


Sterilizing Gases 消毒气体


Used to sterilize heat-sensitive materials

Combine with and inactivate DNA and proteins

Microbicidal and sporicidal

Heavy Metals 重金属

e.g., ions of mercury, silver, arsenic, zinc, and copper

Combine with and inactivate proteins; may also precipitate proteins

Effective but usually toxic


五、Biological Control of Microorganisms

Emerging field showing great promise

Natural control mechanisms

  • viral-mediated lysis using pathogen specific bacteriophage

  • toxin-mediated killing using bacteriocins

  • predation by Bdellovibrio 蛭弧菌属



Biofilm are complex, slime-encased communities of microbes.


1. Forming Process


  1. Substratum preconditioning by ambient molecules
  2. Cell deposition 细胞沉积
  3. Cell adsorptipn
  4. Desorption
  5. Cell-to-cell signaling and onset of exopolymer production 细胞间的信号传导和外聚物的产生
  6. Convective and diffusive transport of O2 and nutrients
  7. Replication and growth
  8. Secretion of polysaccharide matrix
  9. Detachment, erosion, and sloughing 分离,腐蚀和脱落

2. Biofilm Heterogeneity 生物膜异质性


3. Cell-to-Cell Communication – Quorum Sensing (群体感应)


Bacterial cells in biofilms communicate in a density-dependent manner called quorum sensing

Produce small proteins that increase in concentration as microbes replicate and convert a microbe to a competent state

  • DNA uptake occurs, bacteriocins are released

Acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) is an autoinducer molecule produced by many gram-negative organisms

  • diffuses across plasma membrane

  • once inside the cell, induces expression of target genes regulating a variety of functions


Quorum Sensing Systems

Processes regulated by quorum sensing involve host-microbe interactions

  • symbiosis – Vibrio fischeri and bioluminescence in squid

  • pathogenicity and increased virulence factor production

  • DNA uptake for antibiotic resistance genes

六、Laboratory culture of cellular microbes

Types of Culture Media

Basis for Classification Types
Chemical composition Defined (synthetic), complex
Physical nature Liquid, semisolid, solid
Function Supportive (general purpose), enriched, selective, differential

1. Classified by Chemical Composition

Defined or Synthetic Media


Complex Media


2. Classidied by Functions

Supportive or General Purpose Media

Supportive or general purpose media (e.g. TSA)

  • support the growth of many microorganisms

Enriched Media

Enriched media (e.g. blood agar)

  • general purpose media supplemented by blood or other special nutrients

Selective Media

favor the growth of some microorganisms and inhibit growth of others

• e.g., MacConkey agar

  • selects for gram-negative bacteria

Differential Media

Distinguish between different groups of microorganisms based on their biological characteristics

e.g., blood agar

  • hemolytic versus nonhemolytic bacteria

• e.g., MacConkey agar

  • lactose fermenters versus nonfermenters



Isolation of Pure Cultures

Population of cells arising from a single cell developed by Robert Koch

Streak plate, spread plate, and pour plate are techniques used to isolate pure cultures

1. Streak Plate

Spreading a mixture of cells on an agar surface so that individual cells are well separated from each other

  • involves use of bacteriological loop

Each cell can reproduce to form a separate colony


2. Spread Plate

small volume of diluted mixture containing approximately 30–300 cells is transferred

spread evenly over surface with a sterile bent rod


3. Pour Plate

sample is serially diluted

diluted samples are mixed with liquid agar

mixture of cells and agar are poured into sterile culture dishes

Both spread and pour plate may be used to determine the number of viable microorganisms in an original sample


Microbial Growth on Solid Surfaces

Colony characteristics that develop when microorganisms are grown on agar surfaces aid in identification

Differences in growth rate from edges to center is due to

  • oxygen, nutrients, and toxic products

  • cells may be dead in some areas


The Growth Curve

Growth refers to population growth rather than growth of individual cells

Usually plotted as logarithm of cell number versus time and has four/five distinct phases


1. Lag Phase

Cell synthesizing new components

  • e.g., to replenish spent materials

  • e.g., to adapt to new medium or other conditions

Varies in length

  • in some cases can be very short or even absent

2. Exponential (Log) Phase

Also called log phase

Rate of growth and division is constant and maximal (balanced growth)

Population is most uniform in terms of chemical and physical properties during this phase

3. Unbalanced Growth

Rates of synthesis vary relative to each other

Occurs under a variety of conditions

  • change in environmental conditions

  • change in nutrient levels


4. Stationary Phase

Closed system population growth eventually ceases, total number of viable cells remains constant

  • active cells stop reproducing or reproductive rate is balanced by death rate

Possible Reasons For Stationary Phase

Nutrient limitation

Limited oxygen availability

Toxic waste accumulation

Critical population density reached

5. Prolonged Decline in Growth 增长持续下降

Process marked by successive waves (连续波) of genetically distinct variants

  • Bacterial population continually evolves

  • Natural selection occurs


6. Growth In A Closed System


Mathematics of Growth

Generation (doubling) time

  • time required for the population to double in size

  • varies depending on species of microorganism and environmental conditions

  • range is from 10 minutes for some bacteria to several days for some eukaryotic microorganisms


七、Measurement of microbial population size

Direct Measurement

Direct cell counts

  • counting chambers

  • electronic counters: flow cytometry

  • on membrane filters

1. Counting Chambers 计数室

Easy, inexpensive, and quick

Useful for counting both eukaryotes and prokaryotes

Cannot distinguish living from dead microbial cells


2. Flow Cytometry 流式细胞(计量)术


3. Membrane Filters

Cells filtered through special membrane that provides dark background for observing cells

Cells are stained with fluorescent dyes

Useful for counting bacteria

With certain dyes, can distinguish living from dead cells

Viable counting (活菌计数): Alive or dead?

Whether or not a cell is alive or dead isn’t always clear cut in microbiology

  • Cells can exist in a variety of states between ‘fully viable’ and ‘actually dead’

Viable Counting Methods

1. Spread and pour plate techniques

diluted sample of bacteria is spread over solid agar surface or mixed with agar and poured into Petri plate

after incubation the numbers of organisms are determined by counting the number of colonies multiplied by the dilution factor

results expressed as colony forming units (CFU)

2. Membrane filter technique

bacteria from aquatic samples are trapped on membranes

membrane soaked in culture media

colonies grow on membrane

colony count determines # of bacteria in sample



3. Turbidity – Turbidometric measures (light scattering)

quick, easy, and sensitive

Dilutions are made and added to suitable media

Turbidity determined to yield the most probable number (MPN)

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4. Dry weight

time consuming and not very sensitive

5. Quantity of a particular cell constituent

e.g., protein, DNA, ATP, or chlorophyll

useful if amount of substance in each cell is constant

八、The Continuous Culture of Microorganisms

Maintains cells in log phase at a constant biomass concentration for extended periods

Achieved using a continuous culture system

  • continual provision of nutrients

  • continual removal of wastes

The Chemostat 恒化器

Rate of incoming medium = rate of removal of medium from vessel

An essential nutrient is in limiting quantities


Dilution Rate and Microbial Growth

Dilution rate – rate atwhich medium flowsthrough vesselrelative to vessel size

note: cell densitymaintained at widerange of dilutionrates and chemostatoperates best at low dilution rate


The Turbidostat 恒浊器

regulates the flow rate of media through vessel to maintain a predetermined turbidity or cell density

turbidostat operates best at high dilution rates

no limiting nutrient

dilution rate varies


L07 Microbial Growth Control